2022 Scholarship Application

The ION Navigation Apprenticeship/Scholarship is an opportunity for outstanding college students to work with a “Navigation Mentor” of their choice to build their science and engineering knowledge while developing problem-solving skills. We hope you will apply for the 2022-2023 Navigation Apprenticeship/Scholarship.

The winner(s) will receive a college scholarship of up to $2500 and exercise his/her inventive and innovative skills working with the mentor on a navigation-related project, ranging from product design or research to laying the groundwork for a business plan.

More Information and Application Form

November 2017


In November, the ION Dayton Section welcomed Dr. Jason Gross and his student, Mr. Ryan M. Watson, from West Virginia University. Ryan presented his research on robust graph optimization with applications to GNSS processing, which promises improved GNSS processing in degraded environments, such as urban areas, where GNSS position methods traditionally perform poorly.

The next ION Dayton Section Luncheon will be held in January 2018. See you next year!

October 2017



This month Dr. Don Venable from AFRL/RYWN presented an overview of his dissertation research: “Improving Real World Performance for Vision Navigation in a Flight Environment” and then discussed the potential of deep learning and neural networks applied to the fields of computer vision and vision navigation.

September 2017

We kicked off the 2017-2018 luncheon series with a presentation from Maj Scott Pierce from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He presented his latest research findings on the use of various methods for processing star tracker data to determine one’s position and velocity based on the imaging of reference objects with known positions and velocities against a background field of stars.

January Update



Phil Bohun and Dr. Andrew Shepherd presented their research on 4-D Displays for Flight Planning.  The software they are developing has the potential to greatly optimize current flight planning.



December Update

Professor Gao from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “Grace”d us with a riveting look at designing small UAVs specifically for low-flight and GPS-challenged environments.  Congratulations Grace on winning the College of Engineering Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence!


November Update

With insightful lectures on trust in navigation displays, uncertainty measurements for vision-aided navigation, error characterization for new-age multi-GNSS receivers, we’re really running the gamut!

Ben Downing from MTSI (Right)
Ben Downing from MTSI (Right)
Clark Taylor from AFRL (Left)

We’re breaking from tradition this season with a December luncheon. Dr. Grace Gao, always an insightful and entertaining speaker, will join us on Thursday, December 17th!

September 2015 Update

softwaredevWelcome back after summer hiatus.  We had a successful kick-off luncheon with the triumphant return of Taco Loco Quesadilla Grandes.  Dr. Ron Storm from The Perduco Group spoke to us about the work Perduco is doing on developing human-physio interfaces and how to build trust in navigation displays.

We’ve nabbed AFRL’s Clark Taylor to speak next month.  Mark your Calendars for Thursday, October 15th.  (Technically the 3rd Thursday of the month).

We’ve noticed that many of the email addresses on our list are no longer in service.  Please email one of our officers to have your email address and organization updated.

Chair: Tom Pestak <thomas.pestak.1.ctr@us.af.mil>
Secretary: Joe Curro <jacskiier@gmail.com>

February Luncheon 2/13/2014

Just as a reminder notice for the next speaker for February 13, 2014.  If you have responded, I have you on the list.  I have confirmed we will be meeting at Northrop Grumman on Col Glenn (same place as January’s luncheon different conference room) and catering will be from City BBQ for $8 per person (same price as last month).  We will return to the Mustang Room at the Hope Hotel for this meeting.  The menu is roast pork loin with redskin potatoes and the cost will be $13 ($11 for students).  The meeting time is the same starting @11:30 and lunch starting @12:00.

For February, our featured presenter will be Ms. Rachael Morton discussing Investigating Solar Storm Impacts on GPS. Below is her abstract and bio:

Solar storms are natural phenomena that can disturb the Earth’s atmosphere and interfere with radio signals traveling from the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) satellites to receivers on the surface of the Earth.   Because of the widespread use of GPS, it is important to know the extent of the impact of solar storms on GPS, so that we can be better prepared for these unavoidable natural events.  In this project, GPS stations distributed at high latitude areas were utilized to obtain raw GPS measurements during solar storms.  Over 350MB of data were selected, downloaded, and then submitted to Canadian Natural Resources, a Canadian Government sponsored service, for online processing to generate each station’s precise coordinates.   During a solar storm, solar and geomagnetic disturbances distort GPS signals propagating through the Earth’s atmosphere.  The distorted signals will introduce errors in the computed GPS station coordinates.   By analyzing the errors in the station coordinate solutions, we can establish quantitative relationships between the intensity of a solar storm, the geographic location of receivers, and the level of impact of the solar storm on GPS.   Based on data recorded during 3 solar storms from over 50 GPS stations in northern and southern hemisphere high latitude areas, this report demonstrates that the number of rejected receiver measurements and the number of rejected bias estimations needed for precise position calculations have excellent potential for serving as useful indicators of GPS stress caused by the impact of solar storms.  Furthermore, these indicators can also be used to monitor the level and intensity of solar storms at high latitudes.

Rachael Morton is a senior at Talawanda High School in Oxford, OH.  She started taking college classes since entering high school and has completed 63 credit hours of Miami University classes. She conducted a research project to investigate solar storm impacts on GPS receiver performance. The results are published and have been presented at the 2014 Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting and she won an Intel Talent Search Research Report Badge for this project.   She was also a Wright Scholar at AFRL in the summer of 2013 and worked under the guidance of Dr. Juan Vasquez on target tracking software performance evaluations.  Currently, she is working on a bioinformatics project with Dr. John Karro in the Computer Science Department at Miami University.  Rachael is an avid tennis player who has been named the Player of Year in the South West Ohio Conference for the last two consecutive seasons.  At her spare time, she enjoys piano, violin, and singing.

If interested please RSVP for the first meeting by Monday February 10, 2014, if not interested no response needed.

ION coffee mugs are now available for purchase for $7.  But with your RSVP for this month’s luncheon by the deadline, you can buy an ION mug at the door for the discounted price of just $5!  That’s a 29% discount!  They’ll go fast!


Check out the website (dayton2.ion.org).

If your contact info needs updating or you need to be removed from the email list, please let me know.

2013-2014 sponsors:

GNSS Solutions, Ltd.

Institute of Navigation

Miami University

Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. (MTSI)

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Ohio University AEC



Brian Roadruck

Dayton ION Chapter Secretary
