Sept 14, 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Scott Pierce |
Oct 12, 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Don Venable |
Nov 9, 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Ryan Watson |
Dec 2017 | N/A | None |
Jan 11, 2018 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
Feb 8, 2018 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
March 8, 2018 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
April 12, 2018 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
May 10, 2018 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
June 2018 | TBD | Annual end of year Banquet |
Sept 8, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: John Raquet |
Oct 13, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Mikel Miller |
Nov 10, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Chris Bartone |
Dec 2016 | N/A | None |
Jan 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
February 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
March 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
April 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
May 2017 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
June 2017 | TBD | Annual end of year Banquet |
Sept 17, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Ron Storm of the Perduco Group briefed us on building trust in human interfaces and the how that is important for navigation systems and displays, especially in an age when the human is less and less in the navigation loop. |
Oct 15, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Clark Taylor (AFRL)Significant advances have been achieved over the past few decades in the ability to use cameras to determine the location of the camera or of objects it is observing. Like GPS, these algorithms are capable of estimating locations with relatively high accuracy. Unlike GPS, these vision-aided algorithms are unable to return accurate estimates of their own uncertainty. In this talk, we will discuss some of the basic assumptions that are required to accurately estimate uncertainty, whether these assumptions are valid in the context of vision-aided algorithms, and how we can deal with the violation or preservation of these assumptions to achieve accurate uncertainty estimates with visual algorithms. |
Nov 12, 2015 | MTSI | Speaker: Ben Downing (MTSI) Ben gave an overview of his research to create error characterizations benchmarks across different receiver models as these new multi-GNSS receivers come to market. |
Dec 17, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Grace Gao (University of Illinois) |
Jan 14, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Speakers: Phil Bohun and Andrew Shepherd Our speakers, co-owners of the company Section7, detailed their 4-D flight visualization architecture and the results of training students to create flight plans with the tools. |
February 11, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Speaker: Jorge Diaz (AFIT) Jorge detailed his research to correct for the ephemerides of satellites used in celestial navigation. |
March 10, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled: Sean Calhoun (Cal Analytics) |
April 14, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
May 12, 2016 | Northrop Grumman | Scheduled |
June 2016 | TBD | Annual end of year Banquet |

Date | Location | Topic |
June 18, 2015 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | The dreariest June in Ohio history couldn’t dampen our spirits as we watched amateurs sink clutch putts and enjoyed delicious german chocolate cake after a hearty meal. Tom Pestak and Brian Roadruck were re-elected Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, with newcomer Joe “Rage” Curro taking over the Secretarial duties. Not unlike Michael Jordan, Boyd Holsapple came out of a short treasurer retirement. We expect him to change his number from 45 to 23 and lead us back to the promised land. |
May 14, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Meeting canceled due to scheduling conflicts. |
April 9, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Scott Pierce presented his Doctoral research which proposes to leverage the globally available and highly-accurate reference points of stars to improve position estimates of a ground vehicle or UAV through observations of illuminated satellites using a star tracking camera. |
March 12, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Sanjeev Gunawardena presented his findings on signal deformation in GNSS signals caused by transversal surface acoustical wave (SAW) intermediate frequency (IF) filters that can impress additional and somewhat peculiar signal deformations that also vary as a function of pseudorandom noise (PRN) code. |
February 12, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Captain Aaron Canciani presented his research on Navigation using the Earth’s magnetic anomaly field, which is globally available at all times. He presented a navigation framework which uses the Earth’s magnetic anomaly field as a navigation signal to aid an inertial navigation system (INS) in an aircraft. |
January 8, 2015 | Northrop Grumman | Sean Calhoun of CAL Analytics, currently supporting the development of Airborne Sense and Avoid technology at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Aerospace Systems Directorate spoke to us about Airborne SAA (ABSAA) system for detecting, tracking and avoiding both cooperative and non-cooperative intruder aircraft for UAS. He presented some preliminary results from two surveillance performance sensitivity studies performed in order to develop a relationship between surveillance performance and resulting safety impact to the NAS. |
November 13, 2014 | Northrop Grumman | Dr. Jason Gross from the West Virginia University will be presenting an overview of his ongoing projects at WVU, including a small UAV close formation flight project. |
October 9, 2014 | YEI Technologies, Portsmouth, OH | We journeyed to Portsmouth, OH to visit Paul Yost and see the work he is doing with MEMS inertial sensors. We toured their manufacturing facility and got to demo PrioVR – their virtual reality video game suit. |
September 11, 2014 | Northrop Grumman | Jennifer Hebert and Shawna from PreTalen Ltd presented PANACEA: Automating GNSS Receiver Testing. |
Date | Location | Topic |
June X, 2012 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | |
May X, 2012 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
April X, 2012 | Ohio University, Athens, Ohio | |
March X, 2012 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
February X, 2012 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
January X, 2012 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
November X, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
October 14, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
September X, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio |
Date | Location | Topic |
June 9, 2011 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | This meeting was the annual dinner which included election of new officers, the yearly putting competition, and a door prize giveaway. |
May 12, 2011 | Miami University, Oxford, Ohio | The Dayton section visited the engineering facilities at Miami University. |
April 14, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | LtCol Steve Ross, a PhD student at AFIT, presented his research on the autonomous landing of a quadrotor UAV on a wire. |
March 17, 2011 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio | The Dayton section attended a GPS Workshop hosted by The Ohio State University. The guest speakers were Dr. John W. Betz, Mr. Edward H. Martin, and Mr. Anthony Russo. |
February 10, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Lt Halit Oktay presented the work he is doing at AFIT which augments GPS with airborne pseudolites to improve the navigation solution when a limited number of satellites are in view. |
January 13, 2011 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Austin Smith of MTSi spoke about research he worked on, in which inertial and GPS augmentation systems could be configured and model using a MATLAB simulation to estimate performance characteristics. |
November 18, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Eric Vinande of AFRL/RYRN spoke about research he conducted at the University of Colorado, Boulder; where urban canyon GPS related challenges were overcame using an inexpensive MEMS inertial sensor. |
October 14, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Major Jeremiah Shockley, a PhD student at AFIT and former Assistant Director for Operations at the 746th Test Squadron, spoke about his navigation systems testing experience with the 746th. Also known as the Central Inertial and GPS Test Facility (CIGTF), the 746th Test Squadron is DoD’s designated lead test organization chartered to test and evaluate Global Positioning System (GPS) user equipment (UE) and integrated GPS based guidance and navigation systems. |
September 10, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Larrell Walters, Director of the Institute for the Development and Commercialization of Advanced Sensor Technology (IDCAST), presented developments in a product known as I23D. This software is able to use single camera video from a ground vehicle or UAV to reconstruct 3D surfaces of an area in real-time. |
Date | Location | Topic |
June 25, 2010 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | This meeting was the annual dinner which included election of new officers, the yearly putting competition, and a door prize giveaway. |
May 13, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Gordon Rouse of Honeywell Aerospace spoke to the section about developing inertial technologies within Honeywell. |
April 23, 2010 | Ohio University, Athens, Ohio | The Dayton Section visited Ohio University. The day included student presentations, a tour of Stocker Center, a tour of the newly constructed Academic and Research Center, lunch at Lui Lui’s, and a tour of the Avionics Engineering Center’s McFarland Building and Hanger at the OU airport. |
March 11, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Maj Ken Fisher, a professor of electrical engineering at AFIT, spoke about his time in the field of air-to-air weapons test with a focus on unmanned test aircraft. |
February 11, 2010 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Frank van Graas of Ohio University discussed his ION Congressional Fellowship at NASA Headquarters and DHS. ION President, Dr. Mike Miller, was in attendance and spoke about the state of the ION at the national level. |
January 14, 2010 | El Rancho Grande, Fairborn, Ohio | This luncheon was a social outing. ION business was discussed, however there was no speaker. |
November 12, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Dave Doman, Senior Aerospace Engineer, with the Air Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory spoke on design strategies of flapping-wing micro air vehicles. |
October 8, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Jacob Campbell, Electronics Engineer, with the Sensors Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory spoke on cold-atom technology for extremely precise inertial navigation systems. |
September 10, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Andrei Shkel of DARPA and University of California Irvine spoke on micro-technology for position, navigation, and timing systems. |
Date | Location | Topic |
June 18, 2009 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | This event was our annual dinner. The evening included the 2009-2010 local section officer elections, announcement of the ION scholarship winners, a putting contest, and door prize giveaways. |
May 14, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Mikel Miller, ION President and Technical Director of the Advanced Guidance Division of the Munitions Directorate of Air Force Research Labs spoke about his experiences as a USAF officer, civil servant, and ION Fellow. He also spoke about the state of ION at the national level. |
April 16, 2009 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio | The Dayton section visited The Ohio State University. The visit included student presentations, lunch, a tour of the ElectroScience lab, and a demonstration of SPIN lab capabilities. |
March , 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Capt. Jason Crosby spoke on navigation using signals of opportunity such as TV signals, AM/FM radio signals, and lightning strikes. |
February 12, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Capt. Will Storms, a master’s student at AFIT, spoke about his thesis research. His presentation discussed the use of magnetic field maps to aid inertial navigation systems. |
January 15, 2009 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Andrew O’Brien, a Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University, presented his work on adaptive antenna arrays for precision GNSS applications. |
November 4, 2008 | Miami University, Oxford, Ohio | The Dayton section visited Miami University. The visit included student presentations, lunch, a tour of Miami’s new engineering building. |
October , 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | |
September 25, 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | 1Lt Casey Miller, an Executive Officer with the Sensors Directorate of Air Force Research Labs, presented the ION’s new high school outreach program, the Mini-Urban Challenge. |
Date | Location | Topic |
June 26, 2008 | Wright Patterson Club, WPAFB, Ohio | This event was our annual dinner. The evening included the 2008-2009 local section officer elections, announcement of the ION scholarship winners, a putting contest, and door prize giveaways. |
May 16, 2008 | Ohio University, Athens, Ohio | The Dayton section visited Ohio University. The visit included student presentations, lunch, and tours of engineering building, the newly constructed Avionics Engineering Center’s McFarland building, and the AEC’s hanger. |
April 10, 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Mr. Hartman, a staff scientist for Honeywell, spoke on the challenges of underwater navigation. His talk included a discussion of a multi-sensor prototype system under development at Honeywell to meet these challenges. |
March 13, 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Jade Morton, a professor at Miami University, spoke on the effects of the ionosphere on GPS performance. |
February 14, 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Dr. Andrey Soloviev, a Senior Research Engineer at the Ohio University Avionics Engineering Center, spoke on multi-sensor (GPS/Laser/Inertial) integration techniques for navigation in challenging indoor environments. |
January 10, 2008 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | 2Lt Brendan O’Neal, a Navigation Analysis with the Sensors Directorate of Air Force Research Labs, spoke on near field electromagnetic ranging technology and its applications in underground and indoor environments. |
November 8, 2007 | Hope Hotel, WPAFB, Ohio | Seebany Datta-Barua, a Ph.D. candidate in Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University, spoke on modeling ionospheric storms using ground and space-based GPS data. |