January Update



Phil Bohun and Dr. Andrew Shepherd presented their research on 4-D Displays for Flight Planning.  The software they are developing has the potential to greatly optimize current flight planning.



December Update

Professor Gao from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “Grace”d us with a riveting look at designing small UAVs specifically for low-flight and GPS-challenged environments.  Congratulations Grace on winning the College of Engineering Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence!


November Update

With insightful lectures on trust in navigation displays, uncertainty measurements for vision-aided navigation, error characterization for new-age multi-GNSS receivers, we’re really running the gamut!

Ben Downing from MTSI (Right)
Ben Downing from MTSI (Right)
Clark Taylor from AFRL (Left)

We’re breaking from tradition this season with a December luncheon. Dr. Grace Gao, always an insightful and entertaining speaker, will join us on Thursday, December 17th!

September 2015 Update

softwaredevWelcome back after summer hiatus.  We had a successful kick-off luncheon with the triumphant return of Taco Loco Quesadilla Grandes.  Dr. Ron Storm from The Perduco Group spoke to us about the work Perduco is doing on developing human-physio interfaces and how to build trust in navigation displays.

We’ve nabbed AFRL’s Clark Taylor to speak next month.  Mark your Calendars for Thursday, October 15th.  (Technically the 3rd Thursday of the month).

We’ve noticed that many of the email addresses on our list are no longer in service.  Please email one of our officers to have your email address and organization updated.

Chair: Tom Pestak <thomas.pestak.1.ctr@us.af.mil>
Secretary: Joe Curro <jacskiier@gmail.com>

September Luncheon

Join us for our first luncheon since the summer recess – to be held on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 11:30AM in the Mustang Room of the Hope Hotel at Wright-Patterson AFB.  Brian Roadruck will discuss this year’s winning entry in the ION Robotic Lawnmower Competition.

If you would like to attend please RSVP to Tom Pestak (thomas.pestak@us.af.mil).  Cost of attendance is $12 dollars ($10 for students)